Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

1. What is Bubble Tea?

It is a non-alcoholic, non-carbonated tea cocktail based on fresh tea we brew every day. What makes bubble tea even more special is the addition of edible ‘bubbles’ or ‘boba’ varying between jellies and tapioca. These unique combinations are what makes up ‘bubble tea,’ come and try it for yourself!

2. What is Tapioca?

Called “Zhen-zu” in Taiwan. It is a jelly-like topping made from the roots of a Cassava plant. It’s full of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and iron. It’s also gluten-free, fat-free and low in sodium. It’s roughly 350 kcal per 100g.

3. What is Bingsu?

Bingsu is a traditional Korean shaved ice dessert that is very popular, especially during the summertime. Our seasonal bingsu is made from shaved ice, milk and various toppings. Toppings may include red beans, tapioca and assorted coconut jellies.

4. Do you sell any other drinks?

We offer a diverse range of drinks from coffee, ade, smoothies, fruit teas, and more. We recommend checking out Def-T, a special tea series from our collaboration with DEAF CULTURE CENTRE. Check our drink menu for further details.

5. What does Palgong mean?

Palgong or “팔공” in Korean means 80, the ideal temperature in Celsius to brew teas. This ideal brewing temperature reflects our philosophy of creating the perfect environment to warm and nurture one’s life as we do with all of our tea blends.

6. What is DEF-T?

Palgong Tea proudly presents its collaboration project with DEAF CULTURE CENTRE, an international organization representing the Deaf community. DEF-T is a premium organic tea series that represents the blending of the hearing and Deaf communities to provide a human experience over a cup of our tea. A portion of all DEF-T proceeds are donated to DEAF CULTURE CENTRE. Try a cup today!

7. How come Palgong Tea can sell high-quality Bubble Tea for less than their competitors?

We have minimized the price of raw materials with direct import of all raw materials from Taiwan. By minimizing the distribution margin of our company, it creates less burden for the investors. We maximize investors’ profit margins by minimizing overall product cost ratio. That’s why we can pass these savings onto our customers.

8. Can I drink Bubble Tea if I have allergies?

Please inform our staff of your allergies and they will do their best to offer safe recommendations and alternatives.

Although most of our signature milk teas are lactose-free, some do contain fresh milk. For our toppings, our foams and pudding contain fresh milk.

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