330 Steeles Ave. West. Unit A4. Vaughan. ON. L4J 6W9

15 Mill St. Toronto. ON. M5A 3R6

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

1. What is Bubble Tea?

It is a non-alcoholic, non carbonated tea cocktail based on fresh tea we brew every day. What makes bubble tea even more special is the addition of edible ‘bubbles’ or ‘boba’ varying between jellies and tapioca. These unique combinations are a treat for your taste buds, come and try it for yourself!

2. What is Tapioca?

Called “Zhen-zu” in Taiwan. It is a jelly-like topping made from the roots of a Cassava plant. It’s full of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and iron. It’s also gluten-free, fat-free and low in sodium. It’s roughly 350kcal per 100g.

3. What is Bingsu?

Did you ever eat snow as a kid? Bingsu is a traditional dessert in Korea that’s very popular, especially during the summer in Korea. Bingsu is made from shaved iced,milk, chocolate and yogurt. Toppings may include fruit, red beans, ice cream and many more. Some Bingsu will also come with condensed milk or sweet fruit syrup. The combinations are endless!

4. Do you sell any other drinks?

We also offer Tea, Coffee and Ade that can be made hot or cold. Please check out menu for further details.

5. Can I mix and match flavours and toppings?

We encourage our customers to try mixing and matching all of our flavours and toppings. If we really like it, we may even name it after you and put it on our menu!

6. Where did Palgong Tea originate?

Opening its very first shop in 1994 near Kaohsiung area, PALGONG TEA is well known for its milk tea based with rich flavored teas fruit teas, flavored topping foams, smoothies and coffee variations.

In Korea, the first shop was opened in May 2017 near Jong-Ro area. The brand has expanded more than 10 shops in five-month near Seoul area. In February 2018, the first international shop opened in Toronto, Canada and expecting more international shops in USA, Australia, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, China, Japan and more.

7. What does Palgong mean?

Palgong in Chinese contains the meaning of we use 8 different kinds of good ingredients for brewing tea and milk tea when we translate the word in chinese.

8. What is DEF-T

Palgong Tea proudly presents it’s work with the DEAF CULTURE CENTRE, an international organization representing the Deaf community worldwide. DEF-T is a premium tea brand that represents the blending of the hearing and Deaf communities to provide a human experience over a cup of our tea. A portion of all DEF-T proceeds will be donated to the DEAF CULTURE CENTRE. Try a cup today!

9. How come Palgong Tea can sell high-quality Bubble Tea for less than their competitors?

We have minimized the price of raw materials with direct import of all raw materials from Taiwan. By minimizing the distribution margin of our company, it creates less burden for the investors. We maximize investors’ profit margins by minimizing overall product cost ratio.

10. Can I drink Bubble Tea if I have allergies?

In every store we have an allergenes overview list available. In case of a milk allergy for example, you can notify the barista. We can substitute milk with soy milk.

11. Environmental Impact

We truly care about our eco-footprint and understand the environmental impact that single use plastics have on our environment. We are working hard on replacing all of our single use plastics with bio-degradable and paper alternatives. As this is a long term initiative, it will take a bit of time, but know that we are working hard to build a sustainable and eco-friendly future for Palgong Tea and all of its customers.

How to cancel online pickup order

We recommend eating within 15 minutes after it is made for the best taste. After that, the ice and toppings may melt.


If you want to cancel your order for an online pickup order, please follow the instructions below.

1. When you checkout your order. You must create your account to cancel your order.


2. Check the order number you want to cancel and press the cancel button.

Refunds of canceled money can take 2-3 days.
(Card and PayPal fees are excluded.)
However, you cannot cancel after the pickup time you have set.

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